CILIP Government Information Group Visit: Natural Resources Wales Library, Bangor / Monday 8th July 2024, 2pm - 4pm


CILIP GIG are delighted to announce an in-person visit to the Natural Resources Wales library based in the Bangor NRW office. The NRW Information and Library Services provides staff with access to evidence and information to support their decision-making in their roles working to facilitate nature’s recovery, resilience to climate change, and in minimising pollution, through the sustainable management of natural resources in Wales. The library is also a repository for unique and unpublished information relating to the natural resources of Wales. We will have an opportunity to learn more about the services delivered, explore the stock and special collections, and ask questions and network with fellow information professionals.

Gary Rogers, Warning Forest Operations Sign, Natural Resources Wales - - 5351740, CC BY-SA 2.0

Gary Rogers, Warning Forest Operations Sign, Natural Resources Wales - - 5351740, CC BY-SA 2.0

There is free parking available on site or if arriving by train please let us know arrival time and departure times we can arrange pick up and drop off at the train station, otherwise it is a 45-minute walk up hill or we can advise of taxis or buses. Registration for this visit will be open until Thursday 4th July 2024. This event is free, but please note that advanced booking is required.

Registration for the visit is available to CILIP members here.
