CILIP Government Information Group - Webinar: "New shoes and other taxonomy tales"

This is a Department for Education (DfE) case study which will provide an overview of what a subject taxonomy is, how it is used in the DfE and the benefits it brings to the department. There will be time for questions and discussion.

When: 13 July 2020, @2pm

Where: Online via Zoom

Presenter: Helen Challinor

Contact to register: Stephen Gregory,

Helen Challinor
Helen Challinor

Personal biography: Helen Challinor has been a   government librarian for nearly 30 years, with experience across a variety of different roles. She is currently the departmental taxonomist at the Department for Education where she manages, maintains and develops controlled subject vocabularies in the department.


If you would like to book, then please email


Participants will need to register with an email address as we will be using the Zoom webinar platform. Upon registration, you will be sent the link to the Zoom session.

Personal data during webinars: Please be aware that the name you enter when you log in to Zoom is displayed to other participants. You may just want to give your name as "Participant". If you type any questions into the text chat your screen name will be displayed with the question.

Webinar Recordings: CILIP Webinars are often recorded and shared with attendees, and are sometimes made public, including any questions asked by participants during the webinar.

The webinar is only open to CILIP members


  1. In this Civil Service Blog Helen outlines the value of subject taxonomies


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