The GIG Awards 2021 - Nominations are now open, by Fiona Laing

 Fiona Laing, Official Publications Curator at the National Library of Scotland in Edinburgh was the recipient of the GIG Lifetime Achievement Award in 2019.

Fiona Laing with her GIG Award

As a past winner of the GIG Lifetime Achievement Award I am delighted to announce that nominations for the 2021 GIG AWARDS are now open.

You can nominate yourself, your team or a colleague by completing the nominations form on the GIG website and emailing

Each year CILIP’s Government Information Group presents two awards in recognition of significant contributions to government knowledge and information management. They are the GIG Annual Award and the Life-time Achievement Award.

What does the GIG Annual Award cover?

  • The Annual Award is granted in recognition of a significant contribution to the field of government knowledge and information management during the previous year. If the work in question relates to one particular department or organisation, it must have wider application i.e. it must be a concept which could usefully be introduced elsewhere.
  • It can apply to a technological or system development; development of a policy or procedure; a working practice; examples of good collaboration and knowledge sharing; work on a committee; a publication (in whatever format) and so on.


Who is eligible for the Annual Award?

  • The Annual Award is open to anyone, individuals, or teams, working in government KIM functions, irrespective of whether they are members of the Government Information Group, CILIP, or the KIM profession.
  • It is also open to GIG members, students and others, who do not work in government, but who can produce evidence of a piece of work which meets the key criterion of being a major contribution to the work of government knowledge and information management.



What is the GIG Life-time Achievement Award?

  • The GIG Lifetime Achievement Award is given in recognition of a major contribution to government knowledge and information management over a sustained period of time.

Closing date 31st May 2021

To find out more visit the GIG website where you can also read about last year’s winners.  
