Working under lockdown - your experience
Most of us have been obliged to work from home during the lockdown and for some this has been a new (and perhaps not so smooth) experience. We certainly share common ground, but there may be some interesting “unique” or less common experiences and learning which would be good to capture and share. And we would like to hear about it all!
For example:
- staff who have been tasked into different roles, including onto more emergency response type activities:
- How have their GKIM skills been relevant, how have they contributed?
- What have they learned in the process.
- How might this have an impact on their future career, or on the service in the longer term?
- colleagues who have remained in their usual role:
- How has this changed, what have they learned, are there longer term implications for them and their service?
There’s a remote possibility that some information professionals may have been furloughed. What’s life like for you/them?
We aim to have this experience shared and to create historical footprints of some of this experience.
Can you help directly? Do you know someone who would provide a great and informative posting?
Please let us know:
Image source: Unsplash |
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